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Using Google Forms to Design "Choose Your Own Adventure" Lessons

Am I the only one that remembers those "choose your own adventure" books?  I remember reading them over and over again so that I could see what would happen with every possible scenario.  I recently learned that the "choose your own adventure" format is a great way to create engaging, interactive lessons for your students.  You could use this to design your own educational games, teach students while comparing and contrasting different topics, and create many different types of review assignments that give students immediate feedback.  The "choose your own adventure" format is also a great way to allow students to work at their own pace and develop their self-directed learning skills.  You can use Google Forms to create these online for your students.  When you start creating a "choose your own adventure" assignment, it is a great idea to outline each of your questions, the responses for each, and how you plan to connect them to previous questions.  Once you have your outline and are ready to start, you can start a new Google Form and get building!

Google Forms are a great way to create interactive, "choose your own adventure" style assignments.  Different sections and questions can be linked to each other so that a student's answer determines where in the form they will go.  Google Forms is also a great tool because you can track student responses and even give grades for certain questions.  You can use these to create review assignments, quizzes with feedback, or period specific surveys for students or parents to fill out.

How do you do it?

1. Create a new Google Form.
2. Select the "add section" button on the tool bar on your right.  It is the icon on the bottom that looks like an equals sign.
 3. Add a section for each problem you will ask, and each response.  So if you have a question with two responses, you will need to create three sections for that problem.
4. Below the first created section, you will see a drop down menu that says "after section 1 continue to next section."  Keep this information the same for the first problem.
5. Add your questions, answers, and feedback for each question or topic you want students to review.  These questions will need to be multiple choice or drop down answers.
6. After you determine the answers, click the three dots on the bottom right corner of the section and select "go to section based on answer."  This will allow you to choose what answer links to what section.

7. Complete step 6 for every question and answer.  You may choose to link incorrect answers back to the original question so they can try again or push everything forward to the next question.
8. When you are done and want the students to submit their answers, create a question and answer that students will end the form on.  You can create an answer that says "submit responses" and select the drop down option for "submit form."

Check out a sample Google Form I made by clicking here.
